
Timely...equals punctuality;
Still, it doesn't mean sanity;
It just means discipline...and commitment;
Like devotion towards the truth, a Symbolic Revelation.

How true are we...to be on time, to be punctual, to be there for the time when we are needed?
It is not always about work...but it shows commitment, devotion, as well as being responsible...and not ourselves being sacrificial, but rather...bring true towards something, or even someone.
How many people are actually like this? How many people are true to being like this? When they are true to being like this...they would not be in pain, but be in fulfillment...because this is them, on the outside as well as on the inside.
If we do not wish to analyze ourselves, then just look at things that we are committed to do...especially when it is at specific times, and how many have we managed to achieve them. We can alter our words, but those are our actions...and they can speak for themselves...their truth.

Bright Blessings and Love,


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