Sacrificial Time

To sacrifice one's time for another;
It is an act of Love and Kindness;
It brings back Joy, Love, and Laughter;
It ends in wonder.

At times, people say that they sacrifice their time for someone or some sort of activity...but that is nothing more than their own words...because what it actually means is that they are making time, making the space for something regardless of whether it is for themselves or another...and often unexpectedly, it comes back to them in Love, Kindness, and Smiles.
Not everyone is willing to do such a thing simply for another person...and that is why such shows commitment.

For what it is,
To not always the answer;
Instead, go forth and create something;
Something that would give the self...a wing.
It will make the self sings;
Then, grow into actual wings.

Bright Love and Light,


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