
Showing posts from February, 2020

Timed Death - Lostful

Being Lost and Found; It is a cycle that is bound to happen; Something else is gained every time for being better, newer...and more refined. It is how things are here and there especially in regards to ourselves when we feel lost, because when we don’t feel it anymore...we often learn something new, grow, and possibly mature. Even a little bit means something huge to ourselves and to our life. - Bright Blessings and Love, Joker Green

Timed Death - Need

Often times, we act out of need...need to change and...need to be and...need to become and...need to be someone. The needs of people in general and the needs of individuals are completely different due to beliefs and needs which are directly related to that...especially beliefs in being something. Sure, maybe the cost is somewhat higher...but what is received in return like positivity, happiness, bliss, beauty, or even connections are higher. It is not exactly like giving less or spending less...because it is never fixed in the form of that ‘giving’ which could even be a prayer or a positive message. - Bright Blessings and Love, Joker Green

Timed Death - Do

Do what is right and true; Not what is told because it might be untrue and might not even be about you. What people tell us to do definitely have a reason, but at times...there may be unwise reasoning to those actions. To do what is right and something that is based on our faith and our Love (for example), as well as Light (knowledge). - Blessings and Love and Hope, Joker Green

Timed Death - Fake

Fake...Paste; So Great...nonetheless; True Value remains none because it lacks TRUTH...worth to no one. This is how it is for something that is so great or seem to be so amazing, but at some deep level...there is no truth and honestly involved. Therefore, the actual value on a deep level...would be like...none. - Blessings, Joker Green

Timed Death - Funny

Fun Time and Happy Time; It’s when all is fine, Truly, Really. To say that we are having a fun time or a happy when there is truly nothing to worry about or have no concern for anything whatsoever...because otherwise, it would be moments of positivity, but not truly nor completely fine. - Bright Blessings, Joker Green

Timed Death - Losing

Once we thought of losing, It is like dying, but somehow, there is Rebirth somewhere much later on. Whenever we lose, there are thoughts of blame or even people who actually pur more pressure onto us...which cause myriad of pains/needles through us...or possibly positive thoughts of hope and improvements. Either way, it all leads us to being more wise, gaining more insight and understanding on the situation and ourselves, and growing as well as maturing. - Blessings and Love and Light, Joker Green

Timed Death - Light

So much Light; So much Fire; So much Water; So much Love...GIVER. At times, things are too much...or like, too much of everything...but they’re all good in their own way. Like spending things in a way which aren’t wise, because it leads to learning something about it in the end. We give and we give but nothing is actually wasted...but generally we don’t really looked at the values and the learnings that we gained from it like wisdom, truth, and information. Often times, we look at the material things in return. - Blessings and Light and Love, Joker Green

Timed Death - In Person

No matter what people do; Spending time together in person is ‘Being True’; Being True To Each Other; Bringing Meaning To One Another. It is the truth about actually spending time together in person...rather than texting or calling each other. There is proximity involved and there is meaning involved (more than a thousand times) and there is true worth involved (more than a hundred times). Even though activities on the phone or on the internet (online) are easier, but just to travel no matter how be with each other and spend time with each a TREASURE INDEED. To not want such things with a person...shows the true value of that other the self. - B right Blessings, Joker Green

Timed Death - Home

What is that place called ‘HOME’? A place where one feels safe? A place where one dearly loves? A Place...A Sanctuary...A HOPE. It is not much of a thing in regards to where we call ‘Home’, but it is a place of significant to ourselves instead of a place where we had to be staying at/in. Where I am may not be called ‘Home’ to myself, but it is in a way...a Sanctuary. - Bright Love, Hope, and Blessings, Joker Green

Timed Death - Haunted

Haunted by the Past; Haunted by the Possible Future; Yet, what remains Pure is the HEART THAT WISHES TO BE CURED. It is at times when it is not possible for the self to see the positive side of things (due to variety of factors), many things disturb the mind and negative past and the dark side to the future, which may not even be possible...but that fear or something as such was too strong, but what is in the end still being the self, wanting things to be better, brighter. Otherwise, we wouldn’t still be here right now. - Bright Blessings and Love, Joker Green

Timed Death - Hero

Here lies the past self, Endless scars and hurts; Rather be left there out of need to get better for the future. Being a Hero isn’t easy...including being a hero in our own story, in our own life...even a hero to ourselves...but it does bring in more discipline and everything, in being a hero to ourselves...because we become that person, and it raises a whole lot of independency. - Bright Blessings and Wishes, Joker Green

Timed Death - Zero

Zero is the middle point; It is the middle ground where things are both lost and found and the rest are stuck somewhere far away. It is the truth...of life and death, and it is a cycle, although not necessarily for everything...especially in things that lasts forever like something that is frozen or a picture. The rest is definitely a cycle, but with every cycle...the state is higher and it is a form of evolution...revolution. - Bright Blessings, Joker Green

My Time - Faceless

One will never know how one will act whether it is with a tact or without some form of mask. It is not always that we know, aware, or conscious of how we act, talk, or even think in regards to this, that, and whatever else. I know that I may never act the same way with everyone...but it is not a pretence, but situational...but there is always some form of wisdom involved. - Bright Love, Hope, and Blessings, Joker44